Another early morning after a late night!
We had to wait around for a while to get an off peak ticket for our trip to Windsor. We haven't actually found London expensive other than the travel, which doesn't seem particularly cheap. On off peak we paid 20 pounds to get to Windsor.
Thankfully today was lovely. We were lulled into a false sense of security on the train, there were hardly any people on it. That was soon dispelled when we got up to the entry. Thank you London Pass for speeding our entry. With the security scare we couldn't take any liquids in (they have been really random with this, no such rule at Hampton Court).
The view was fantastic both of the castle and from the castle. The state rooms were pretty impressive, it was amazing to see so many paintings that I've seen in various books up on the wall in front of me (obviously this is not Daniel speaking!).
We both thought, not that that castle would be bigger, but that you would get more access to it.
St George's chapel was fantastic, although for some reason I thought that Henry VIII's tomb would be more impressive, didn't remember that he was just under the floor. I suppose when you split in two a while before you're buried that#s probably the best place for you!
Daniel was very amused when I got a Guard to laugh at me for not taking the lens cap off our camera. My enthusiasm for the task wasn't that great, Daniel was so very excited to have his photo taken with him that it was embarrassing!
Daniel was also very impressed to see an anglo and black (can I say that?????) guard walking together. The black guards furry hat (whatever it's called) was far bigger....guard afro. He has a picture that he can show you all.
This afternoon we wandered around covent garden, if we were here for longer we would both have loved to have time wandering around. The pubs with the flowers all over them are gorgeous. WE saw the church where the first meeting of Eliza Dolittle and Henry Higgins was filmed, I was impressed!!!!
Tonight we saw The Woman in Black, which was billed as the 'scariest' play in history. Not wrong!! Daniel almost had to leave, both of us where almost in agreement when the first appearance of this Woman was from our aisle (we were sitting directly in the aisle). It was well worth it.
So another late night, we are becoming experts at the Tube, the transport here is much better than at home.
Posted by janeanddan 10:58 Archived in United Kingdom